Handy Facts - Dimensions & Space

Accuracy (Precision) of Latitude & Longitude measurements

The circumference of the earth is 24,901 miles or 40,072 m. Using the equator as the worst case (because the lines of longitude get closer together away from the equator and the lines of latitude are parallel, the precision of latitude is best at the equator and the precision of longitude is the same everywhere), you can calculate that one degree is 111 km or 69.2 miles.

One decimal point in a degree measure (eg, 45.4°) gives you accuracy to 11 km or nearly 7 miles. Put another way, that is a precision of plus or minus 5.5 km or 3.5 miles.

Six decimal points (eg, 34.123456°) is accurate to plus or minus 2 inches. Here's a handy table:

043° ± 34.6 miles
1 43.1° ± 3.46 miles
2 43.12° ± 609 yards
3 43.123° ± 61 yards
4 43.1234° ± 18.3 feet
5 43.12345° ± 22 inches
6 43.123456° ± 2 inches
7 43.1234567° ± 0.2 inch

Estimating or Visualizing Floor Space (handy for apartments)

1000 - about 32 x 32 square, or 20 x 50
1200 - about 35.5 x 35.5 square, or 25 x 48, 20 x 60
1500 - about 39 x 39 square, or 20 x 75, 25 x 52
1750 - about 42 x 42 square, or 25 x 70
2000 - about 45 x 45 square, or 25 x 80, 30 x 67
2500 - 50 x 50 square, 30 x 83 3000 - about 55 x 55, or 25 x 120

Using common objects for measurements

Business Card3 1/2" × 2"
Floor tile 12" × 12"
US Quarter 1 "
US penny 3/4 "
Credit card 3 3/8" × 2 1/8"

US Coin Dimensions

Denomination Cent Nickel Dime Quarter Half Dollar Dollar Golden Dollar
Composition Copper Plated Zinc

2.5% Cu
Balance Zn

25% Ni
Balance Cu

8.33% Ni
Balance Cu

8.33% Ni
Balance Cu

8.33% Ni
Balance Cu

12.5% Ni
Balance Cu

88.5% Cu
6% Zn
3.5% Mn
2% Ni
Weight 2.500 g 5.000 g 2.268 g 5.670 g 11.340 g 8.1 g 8.1 g
Diameter 0.750 in.
19.05 mm
0.835 in.
21.21 mm
0.705 in.
17.91 mm
0.955 in.
24.26 mm
1.205 in.
30.61 mm
1.04 in.
26.50 mm
1.043 in.
26.5 mm
Thickness 1.55 mm 1.95 mm 1.35 mm 1.75 mm 2.15 mm 2.00mm 2.00 mm
Edge Plain Plain Reeded Reeded Reeded Reeded Plain
No. of Reeds N/A N/A 118 119 150 133 N/A
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